Sunday, March 27, 2005

Ghosts from the Past

A friend and I made the trek to Whidbey Island last night to see David Ossman, original cast member of Firesign Theatre in a production of "Don't Crush that Dwarf, Hand me the Pliers." It was a riot. I grew up listening to Firesign on records, and it was very engaging to see this story and one other done on stage. The actress that both Steve and I could not peal our eyes away from was Deana Duncan, a Langley local. It took me most of the show to realize that she was the same Deana Duncan that I had known in Reno Nevada 20 years ago. She was a well-established actor then, and I had a rather large crush on her. I dabbled in theater, so I showed up at an audition for Sam Shepard's "Fool for Love" and tried out for the lead. The director put Deana and I together for a scene during the audition, and in the course of reading some of the material, we ended up getting a little physical. I remember it being sort of sureal, but most of my intermitent acting experiences felt that way. The weird part is, I don't feel any different than I did 20 years ago. I hope I'm a little wiser. Deana looked good. The planet is small.

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