Thursday, June 16, 2005

The horror

Well, the truth finally came out about Terry Schiavo. The autopsy revealed that she was in a persistent vegetative state, had been for some time, that her brain was basically liquid. All those right wing pundits, the Sean Hannity's, Pat Robertson's, that sicko Randall Terry, they should be taken out and beaten for the damage they have done to the Schiavo family, for giving them false hope, for getting involved with something that was clearly NONE OF THEIR FRICKING BUSINESS! As far as the political hacks that got involved, Carl Rove, W, Tom Delay, beating is too easy, they should be in jail, pure and simple. They represent everything that is wrong with this country today, the hipocrasy, shrouded in religion, based in pure greed and hate that is a blight upon this once great nation. Check out Randi Rhodes link on air america for a good rant about these phonies and just how much damage they have done. Why isn't the autopsy a front page story? Come on, you know the answer.

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