Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Tuesday thoughts

I stayed home from work with a cold, lots of naps, movies, too much time to think. I saw W fielding questions from the Washington Press Corps. What a bunch of spineless ninnies! Not one of them asked "Mr. President, if our goal was to liberate Iraq, why haven't the rights to the oil fields been turned over to the Iraqi government?" Or,"Do you think the fact that U.S. companies, many with close ties to your administration, are reaping huge profits from the continuing struggle in Iraq may have anything to do with the growing insurgency?" Here's a good one, "North Korea had nuclear weapons at the time we attacked Iraq, how is it that your administration believed Iraq to be the more imminent threat? Do you still believe Iraq was more dangerous than North Korea?"
It's hard for me to watch him. "Air America" radio interviewed one of his former instructors at Harvard Business School. They asked this brilliant scholar what kind of student W was. The teacher said that he has taught there for over 30 years, and he can't possibly remember all of his students. He said he does remember W, because he was, and this is a quote "a patholigical liar." That figures. Anyway, Nancy and I saw young people putting up fake military recruitment posters in Capital Hill this week that showed the number of Americans killed (1600+) and wounded (27,000+) in Iraq so far. If the young people get involved, we can end this insanity. For my part, a massive anti-war rally is planned for D.C. in September, and I'll be there. Peace.

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