Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Karl Rove is Bush's Achille's Heel

In the Greek tragedy written by Homer, Achille's is unstoppable until Hector shoots an arrow at his one vulnerable spot, his heel. As the investigation continues into Karl Rove's involvement in outing an undercover CIA agent, it looks like the Bush administration's own hubris will be it's undoing, a theory (and hope) I've had for some time. Here are the facts. Joe Wilson, former U.S. ambassador to Africa, wrote an article critical of the Bush administration's claims that weapons grade uranium had been smuggled in from Niger. History shows us that Wilson was right. The nuclear threat claim was based on a falsified memo that noone but the White House chose to take seriously. The Bush administration, led, as always, by mastermind Karl Rove, wasn't looking for the truth back in 2003. They had been planning to go to war long before the charade in front of the UN and Colin Powell's famous Power Point show. The Downing Street memos, recently released minutes of top secret meetings of the British cabinet, show that the Bushies had a flimsy case for Iraq being a threat and were "dummying up intelligence reports to suit their aims." So when Wilson's article comes out, Karl Rove retaliates, as he is known to do. But this time, he made a serious miscalculation. Valerie Plame, wife of ambassador Wilson, was an undercover CIA agent working on tracking down weapons of mass distrucion world wide. In other words, Rove's leaking the information to a NY times reporter that Joe Wilson's wife was a CIA agent put many people at risk, operatives Ms. Plame had been working with, members of the front company that had been set up to mask Ms. Plames work and others associated with her work. So Karl Rove outs this CIA agent and then lies under oath to the Congress and the American people about his involvement. He is a crook and a liar and a traitor to this country. He violated his oath of office and his top secret security clearance. He should be removed from his position, banned from public office for life and prosecuted as a traitor and a war criminal for his involvement in the lies and manipulations that were used to get this country to go to war. This administration is the filthiest, most corrupt, arrogant, misguided bunch of theocratic war mongers we've seen in 100 years. Rove needs to go, then Cheny, Rumsfeld, W, the whole lot. They all should be removed from office and brought up on charges for repeatedly placing the best interests of themselves and their political cronies ahead of the good of the country. Can I hear an Amen?

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