Saturday, January 17, 2009

Following up on a New Year's Resolution

I wrote in a previous post of my resolution to drop 5% of my body fat this year. I actually didn't have a clue what my body fat percentage was when I wrote that piece, nor was I sure how realistic dropping 5% for a guy like me was.

Friday, I purchased a body composition analysis from Brian and his mobile body fat testing lab It's a mobile lab in a semi-trailer truck with a submersion tank in it. Brian had me strip to my bathing suit, submerge myself in the tank and blow as much air as I could out of my lungs. He took four measurements to assure accuracy, then a computer spits out a fairly impressive body composition summary. I had a couple of pieces of good news. First one is, I'm taller than I thought I was (5 ft. 11 and a quarter inches). Second, my body fat for my age is closer to Good, placing me in the 55th percentile. If I want to drop 5% of my body fat, that would bring me to a weight of 176.5, but that is if all of the weight I lose is fat and not muscle.

I was disappointed in what the website had to offer. The site is pretty much a vehicle to sell a nutritional book and promote the franchising of the mobile testing labs. So, lacking direction from the site on how to achieve my body fat goal, I did some research and came up with a plan of my own.

My plan to break free from 5% of my body fat is to continue to hit the gym 4 to 5 days a week. I've been going first thing when I wake up in the morning. I sometimes don't get the 8.5 hours of sleep my body craves, but the endorphins and sense of accomplishment I feel for the rest of the day make up for it. I am using Bill Wilson's Body for Life workout, and it works well for me. I might work with a trainer as the year goes on, but I seem to be progressing well at this stage with the BFL workouts. I'm also consulting a nutritionist to help me eat the foods that will help me meet my goal. Finally, I'm rewarding myself with a massage at the end of each month as an incentive.

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