Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Is this what it felt like to live in Nazi Germany?

I don't know if listening to "Air America" radio is good for me. If you live in Seattle, you can find it at AM 1090. If you live anywhere else, you might have a station in your city that carries it or you can stream it on-line. I'll have a link to the station at my website, www.tom-tunes.com soon. Anyway, I was listening to the confirmation hearings for John Negroponte today, and they made my stomach turn. Negroponte has been linked closely to death squads in Honduras during the 1980's. He most certainly knew about the torture and abuse that was happening in Iraq to prisoners in U.S. custody. This guy has more blood on his hands than Jeffrey Dahmer, yet noone in the so-called liberal Democratic party (with the exception of Barbara Boxer) had the guts to stand up and call him what he is, an accessory to murder, kidnapping, torture and abuse.
I spent last week in a meeting with 50 or so dedicated employees of the Job Corps program. I've been involved in the Job Corps program for 15 years, and I have watched it change young people's lives. The program, which has been around for over 40 years, helps 50,000 young adults transition from unskilled welfare recipients to skilled, confident tax-paying workers, and it costs only a billion dollars a year to run. Mathematica, an independent auditing firm hired to study the program, concluded in it's longitudinal study that for every dollar spent on the Job Corps Program, $2.02 was returned to the economy. In other words, the program not only pays for itself, it brings in revenues equivilent to twice the original cost of the program. This is a conservative statistic, which does not even take into account the savings to society of helping thousands of young people stay out of jail, where the average inmate costs each taxpayer somewhere in the vicinity of $40,000 per year. Meanwhile, the estimated cost of this war is ONE BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH! We're spending one billion smackers per month on a war that WASN'T EVEN NECESSARY. Every report released since the war started shows that the country had no weapons of mass destruction, meaning the rhetoric leading up to the war was a PACK OF LIES! Sometimes I don't know how much of this I can take.
The prisons in Iraq, Guantanamo Bay and Afghanistan are CONCENTRATION CAMPS! When are people going to be outraged? When is this torture, abuse, neglect and humiliation, being done with our tax dollars, going to be brought to an end? If you aren't getting mad by now, don't worry about it, you are completely fucking unconcious.

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